Business education

A committed and motivated employee is the key to the long-term development and success of every company. The development of knowledge and skills is crucial today and gives comparative advantage on the market.

Our workshops and training are tailored to our client’s needs. After analysing the needs for the knowledge and skills of your employees we create a set of workshops and ways of measuring success.

One of the tools we use is mystery shopping. Only continuous work with employees gives long-term results. 

Featured Workshops:

  • Selling skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Communication skills
  • Personal development and team development
  • Resolving complaints and communicating with unpleasant clients
  • Customer Psychology
  • Merchandising at the point of sale
  • Consumer Protection Rights
  • Resolving Conflicts and Stress Management in the workplace
  • Management Skills
  • Human Resource Skills
  • As well as number of others we create per needs of our clients.

All our workshops and education can be done in Croatian, Russian and English.

Why Filan Artes?

  • Sales growth of our clients up to 80%
  • Growth of employee satisfaction and motivation by 50%
  • Development of high quality reward systems
  • Develop additional revenue streams
  • Increase the number of loyal customers


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